Exotic World Recipes, Main Course Recipes, Vegan Recipes
Mapo tofu is a popular dish from the Sichuan region of China that’s made up of meat and fried silken tofu cooked in an aromatic, spicy red sauce. But you can also make Mapo Tofu by substituting chopped mushrooms for the meat to create a vegan alternative! Fancy...
Fruit Recipes, Dessert Recipes, Vegan Recipes
Looking for easy-to-make snacks with few ingredients since we all have short food pantry lists? I have 4 great recipes for you made with Medjool dates: date paste, butter, bliss balls, and chocolaty bars. How is everyone doing right now? I am pretty good but I miss...
Dessert Recipes, Exotic World Recipes, Recipes from food films and TV, Vegan Recipes
Got to bring something sweet for a celebration? These vegan no-bake Greek Almond Biscuits (plus Keto options), called Amigdalota, grace most weddings in the Greek Isles. It’s Food N’ Flix time and this month we are singing our way to the kitchen after watching the...
Dessert Recipes, Exotic World Recipes, Vegan Recipes
Have you ever tried Japanese Coffee Jelly? This is just one of the many intriguing and unique desserts one can find in Japan. Usually served cubed with dairy, I prepared mine in cups for a more elegant presentation. Skip the whipped cream for a vegan option. When my...
Dessert Recipes, Cookbooks, Dairy Free Recipes, Gluten Free Recipes, Reviews, Vegan Recipes
Who does not love a fluffy Lemon Meringue Pie! Well perhaps vegans…until now that is as you can use aquafaba to make a delicious vegan meringue. This recipe is also gluten-free, dairy-free, as well as soy and nut free. I am slowly making my way back to the blog...
Dessert Recipes, Dairy Free Recipes, Gluten Free Recipes, Vegan Recipes
Are your food allergies robbing you of your favorite treats? These glazed Allergy-Free Cinnamon Buns let you bite back at your sweet tooth cravings with satisfaction. As a blogger I try to use all the tools at my disposable to build a genuine relationship with my...