Exotic World Recipes, Sauce and Condiment Recipes
I have a love hate relationship with my grocery store. I love it because I have no car and the store is literally across the street from me. I hate it because often I cannot find sometimes basic items and the produce sucks. What I hate most about the produce is that...
Dessert Recipes, Exotic World Recipes
I have been in pie eating mode lately but none were baked by me, actually from the store, because I did not have a kitchen for 2 weeks. But good news the kitchen is done and I’ll post about that experience soon! I had just bought also about a month ago a tart...
Dairy Free Recipes, Events, Exotic World Recipes, Food Trends & Gadgets, Gluten Free Recipes, Main Course Recipes, Montreal Buzz, Vegetarian Recipes
I have done a lot of curries in my life. Some were good and some were misses. I kept trying new ones now and again. And then I fell on a recipe I changed so much it barely resembles what it was in the first place. So I can calling it my own. This is the Best Thai...
Cookbooks, Exotic World Recipes, Food Trends & Gadgets, Main Course Recipes
Remember about 5 months ago when I had major water damage and I was suppose to get a new kitchen out of it. Well I did not. Then early last week I had to endure another moment of water problems. No damage (to my stuff, nor in the kitchen) this times but things shook...
Exotic World Recipes, Food Trends & Gadgets, Main Course Recipes, Montreal Buzz
A great online gourmet store got in touch with me recently and offered me a product to review. How cannot I not say yes to such an offer. And the best part too about this online gourmet food shop is that they are right in my own backyard of the world. O Gourmet is...
Events, Exotic World Recipes, Montreal Buzz, Restaurant reviews
Do you know how this blog got started? No it was not a need to share my baking skills with the world but a dinner group. On March 11th, 2007 I started a group on Meetup.com called Cheap Ethnic Eatz. Meetup allows people to start a group on what ever you want and then...