Events, Exotic World Recipes
This is my second time participating in the YBR. Now have you heard of YBR yet? No? Well it is a great round-up idea that Spicie Foodie came up with. Every month participants submit what ever recipe on the blog they liked the best for that current month. It’s a...
Dessert Recipes, Exotic World Recipes, Traditions
A day late for the wishes, had technical difficulties connection wise at the parents. Opps! I read the tittle and looked at a picture of this month’s challenge. I assumed it was a holiday dessert. Turns out it was a sweet bread. I had planned on making it for...
Cookbooks, Dessert Recipes, Drink recipes, Events, Exotic World Recipes, Food Trends & Gadgets, Instructions 101, Montreal Buzz, Restaurant reviews
I have such a major backlog of food posts you will have to excuse me but I will do a combo here. I recently attended 2 absolutely wonderful foodie events here in Montreal. I feel so privileged to receive such invitations. I’ll go in chronological order! A new...
Dessert Recipes, Exotic World Recipes, Gluten Free Recipes, Traditions
I was running late a bit for my bus to meet friends for a birthday dinner. As I was locking my door my new neighbor from across the hall came out with a tray of 3 big bowls of what looked like a yellow rice pudding. My new neighbours are Iranian, actually like the...
Evelyne's Unusuals, Exotic World Recipes, Food Trends & Gadgets, Fruit Recipes
Now you all know how I love ADORE trying unknown foods. My favorite activity in Chinatown is to scout out a food I am unfamiliar with – sometimes I don’t even have the name since the tag was in Mandarin or something – and take it home, research it...
Drink recipes, Exotic World Recipes, Food Trends & Gadgets, Traditions
It seems there are more and more new soft drinks on the market all the time. But before trying those why not try a classic import? This pic has been in my ‘pile of future posts’ for quite some time, since September actually when my friend Susan visited...