Spruce Liqueur for a Lemon Spruce Fizz

Spruce Liqueur for a Lemon Spruce Fizz

OK I know what you are thinking now, one of 3 words: what? why? ewww! Now hold on, we are here to explore new tastes and sometimes the unknown can be quite a revelation. This liqueur is all Tasty Trix’s fault. I even emailed her and told her so. Tasty Trix...
Verdie Mae’s Absinthe Frappe

Verdie Mae’s Absinthe Frappe

Are you still looking for a great cocktail idea for your friends and family get togethers over the next few days? Here is a winner with one of my favorite beverage treats: Absinthe. Think Mojito or Mint Julep but New Orleans style! This recipe comes from the Taste of...
Halloween Special Tequila Mocking Eye Martini

Halloween Special Tequila Mocking Eye Martini

Tequila Mocking Eye, ha ha ha, get it? A little play on literature in a creepy way. I love martinis and this is a fun Halloween version where to eyes look back at you. They are simply made from partially peeled radishes with a little hole where you insert a pimento...
Raspberry Minteato for Berrylove

Raspberry Minteato for Berrylove

Even with my broken wrist in a cast I really wanted to participate during the #berrylove month. So I came up with this simple summer cocktail. Sorry short text..I have only one hand to type with. I am also taking one handed pics. This is a cross between a Raspberry...