It’s Food ‘n Flix time again! In this monthly group a host picks a movie of their choice that pertains to food. Everyone watches the movie and then makes a recipe which the film inspired. It can be any recipe you want. This month’s pick is hosted by The Law Student’s Cookbook. She picked Like Water for Chocolate, a book I read eons ago but had not seen the movie.
For this challenge I decided to make a Cold Mexican Hot Chocolate. Cold because it is freaking hot this summer! And calling it hot chocolate is a bit of a stretch. I took the basic ingredients used to make Mexican Chocolate but I brewed it like coffee and is dairy-free. Interesting twist no?
The movie and book follows the story of a young girl named Tita who longs her entire life to marry her lover, Pedro, but can never have him because of her mother’s upholding of the family tradition of the youngest daughter not marrying but taking care of her mother until the day she dies. Tita is only able to express herself when she cooks. And everyone who tastes her food feel Tita’s emotions.
I was iffy about watching the movie because I remember not being thrilled with the book. It was way to traditional and stereotypical of weak women, lot’s of emotional torture, both self-imposed and forced upon. I was in college at the time and maybe in a ultra feminist state. What is beautiful is the symbolic richness of so many elements in the story. Although it is not my favorite type of film, I did enjoy it much more than the book. It was beautiful, epic, sensual, and has lots of food!
The phrase “like water for chocolate” is a common expression in some Spanish-speaking countries and it can be interpreted in several ways: one can mean that one is very angry; or it means to be like water that is hot enough to receive the chocolate when preparing hot chocolate. It is a simile for describing a state of passion or sexual arousal.
This last explanation is the reason why some countries, such as Mexico, prepare their hot chocolate with near-boiling water instead of milk. My recipe is milk-less therefore dairy-free.
What makes a hot chocolate a Mexican one is the chocolate bar used. It is usually made with roasted cacao beans ground with white sugar, almonds, cinnamon, and sometimes vanilla. Due to its undissolved granulated sugar, and its rough and gritty texture, the table chocolate is not meant to be eaten like a chocolate bar. Pic above from TheDeliciousLife.
So the result of a brewed cocoa nib cold hot chocolate? I think this recipe broke every other hot chocolate I have ever enjoyed in my life. I cannot imagine making a hot chocolate any other way now. The taste was creamy, rich, sweet and fabulous!

Cold Mexican Hot Chocolate
- 2 cups water
- 6 tablespoons of cocoa nibs coarsely ground.
- cinnamon stick 2 inches
- 1 teaspoon vanilla extract
- 1/4 cup almond meal
- 1/4 cup sugar more or less to taste
- In a saucepan, bring water to a boil. Remove from heat and add the rest of the ingredients. Allow the mixture to steep for 3 minutes covered. Stir well, and steep for an additional 3 minutes. Strain the grounds though a sieve. Refrigerate until cold.
- Beat with a whisk until the cold hot chocolate has a thick layer of foam on top. Serve over ice in a large glass.
See more film inspired cocktails and beverages:
My son loves hot chocolate and he would drink it even in hot weather…while we just stare at him with strange look. 😀 I should totally introduce this to him! 😉
Damn Delicious!!!
lovely summer drink…
Yum babe! and great photos :)!
Loving this drink. I love the addition of cinnamon in it! Yum!
What an awesome twist! Every time I visit your blog, I have one more addition to my list of must-makes:-)
Sounds like a delicious option for a summer sipper 🙂
What a brilliant idea! I love Mexican hot chocolate but I have not tried it cold (other than in some ice pops). It is warm and humid enough this weekend that this would be a perfect beverage. 😉
Thank you Debra. This is not the traditional way, just my interpretation of combining the brewing of nibs and of a mexican hot chocolate 🙂
Very interesting…..I really didn’t know how real Mexican hot chocolate was made. For some reason, this was lost on me in the book and film. 🙂 I don’t know how I missed it. You speak of this so highly, I must try this! Great post.
G’day! Enjoyed your blog post today Evelyn and if is was not FREEZING here I would LOVE to taste your Cold Mexican drink…is fun…pinning today!
Cheers! Joanne
OOoooo! I have some cacao nibs calling to be made into this. Tonight. Thanks for the inspiration.
Oh, what I wouldn’t give for an icy cold glass of this hot chocolate right now! I love your interpretation, and how you brought in the components of a traditional hot chocolate – so fun!
Mmm Evelyn, what a perfect exotic summer drink! Love your twist to the Mexican Hot Chocolate 🙂
One of my favorite movies! Your choice of beverage is perfect! I can see this being sip many times during the movie. Now you have me wanting to make this chocolate drink and sit and watch the movie. Thanks!
This looks so refreshing! I like the addition of almond meal to this cold drink, can’t wait to try it out.
This drink looks rich and refreshing! Perfect summer treat!
I can only imagine the dark, spicy flavor this must have. Thanks, Evelyne!
This looks like a great way to enjoy chocolate when it’s hot outside. Adding spices is such a wonderful, exotic twist.
I just had spicy aztec chocolate ice cream for dessert last night—must get this soon too!!
So, it’s just Mexican cold chocolate then? Hm, doesn’t have the same ring to it.
LOL Dwei you are funny when being silly. It is hot first to brew the coffee nibs 😉
Oh and also Evelyne, I just stopped by to let you know that I nominated you for Most Inspiring Blog award. You can see the post at Thanks for being an inspiration to me.
Thank you so much Wendy, what an honor!
Very nice Evelyne, I will have to try it.
I love love cocoa nibs and a cold chocolate drink sounds just the right treat for the hot summer days.
I’m going to have to make some of this! I love hot chocolate, but it’s definitely too hot here for any.