cultureatz BloG

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Wining in Niagara

Wining in Niagara

As I mentioned in a last post this holiday season was partly celebrated in the Niagara and Toronto region. There will be a few blogs about this trip but my first one will concentrate on the really important stuff: the Niagara wine region! Of course Niagara in famous...

Exotic South African Exchange

Exotic South African Exchange

After a very long hiatus I finally am posting the first article of the New Year. Wow 2010 was tumultuous to say the least and the one thing that certainly helped stay a little more sane has been this blog. I am not big on resolutions but I will make one here: no more...

Marzipan Log

Marzipan Log

As you read this post I will be sipping wine in one of the many winery estates of the Niagara Region with my travel buddy and then we will be heading to Toronto for the celebrations of New Year's Eve at my friend's place. Hope you are having a wonderful time as well!...

MY Your Best Recipe 2010

MY Your Best Recipe 2010

This is my second time participating in the YBR. Now have you heard of YBR yet? No? Well it is a great round-up idea that Spicie Foodie came up with. Every month participants submit what ever recipe on the blog they liked the best for that current month. It's a nice...

IIP: Jello and Play Dough

IIP: Jello and Play Dough

Blue, Red, Yellow, Green Pink, Gray, Orange, Purple So many choices, so many possibilities! This month,the last of 2010, is an International Incident Colour Party! Do I choose monochrome, stick to pastels, 2 complimentary colors, psychedelic? Nah, only thing in my...