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Happening Gourmand 2016

Happening Gourmand 2016

The 9th annual Happening Gourmand is just around the corner. From January 7 to February 7 2016, enjoy amazingly priced meals in eight restaurants scattered throughout Old Montreal. Many people in Montreal like to think that winter is meant to hibernate and stay...

A Bold and Courageous Move…to a New Blog Name

A Bold and Courageous Move…to a New Blog Name

Since I announced my plans to rebrand my blog a few weeks back, I feel like many of you have been on pins and needles, waiting with bated breath for me to tell you my new blog name. Well, you have all been good boys and girls this year so I am giving you all a...

Can you handle 200+ Christmas Cookies?

Can you handle 200+ Christmas Cookies?

Nothing "smells" holidays like hundreds of Christmas cookies fresh out of the oven. I have 6 cookie recipes to share with you today to get you in the spirit of merry baking. Have you ever spent an afternoon baking Christmas cookies for the holiday celebrations to...

Tamarind Drink (Sharab Tamr Hendi)

Tamarind Drink (Sharab Tamr Hendi)

A traditional Syrian refreshment, Sharab Tamr Hendi (Tamarind Drink), is a tart yet refreshing juice, sold by street vendors in cultural garb during the summer and Ramadan. It’s time for the MENA (Middle Eastern & North African) Cooking Group. This monthly group...

You read it here first…I am REBRANDING my blog!

You read it here first…I am REBRANDING my blog!

RE...............................BRANDING RE...........BRANDING REBRANDING ! Did you read me right? On June 14th 2015 I wrote in my 8th blog Blogiversary post: "And just so I have it inked here, I do plan on revamping the site in the coming months! Hold me to my word...

La Cure Gourmande: Get your Sweet on

La Cure Gourmande: Get your Sweet on

The heavenly shop of confections and sweets, known as La Cure Gourmande, is celebrating the 1st anniversary of its Montreal location! La Cure Gourmande is known for its savoury and sweet artisanal biscuits, but you will also find here traditional Berlandises (sweets...

Fruity Santa Bread

Fruity Santa Bread

What a surprise this Fruity Santa Bread will be when it is brought to the table with the other sweets! Chock-full of fruits and nuts, the bread will be sure to please all the good and naughty kids around. Lots of bread baking in the air and #twelveloaves is a...