Dessert Recipes, Drink recipes, Exotic World Recipes, Traditions
Tic toc, tic toc…is all your shopping and preparations done for Christmas? Me neither! Well most of the the shopping is done but the next days will be jam packed. -Dinner tonight with 2 girlfriends at my place (only our 3rd try but NO REASON for unforseen events...
Exotic World Recipes, Restaurant reviews
Seems like its bean a while since I have done a restaurant review. Perhaps because the last events were hosted by either assistant organizers or guest organizers. But now my time has come around again. And this time I will tell you about a tropical find,...
Exotic World Recipes, Food Trends & Gadgets, Restaurant reviews
Wow, who would have thought The Daring Kitchen’s last baker’s challenge was going to become such a controversy! I have gotten lots of private and public feedback but the best has been an ongoing email conversation with Claudia, a member of my dinner group....
Evelyne's Unusuals, Exotic World Recipes, Food Trends & Gadgets
Sorry for not posting a in a few days. I actually have a major one on standby but waiting for something else to happen (which it will today) to publish that one. So in the mean time I will satisfy a little curiosity I have had for a while. When Louise of Felice in the...
Exotic World Recipes, Main Course Recipes, Traditions
Last night I had my friends over: Manon, Hector and their 6 months old Antonia…my “niece”. She is TOO CUTE and she loves me he he. As silly as it may sound its the first time ever Hector came to my place..after him being in...