Luxurious Bordeaux Exchange

Luxurious Bordeaux Exchange

I was so curious when Mathilde from Bordeaux said: I just mailed your ‘little’ package. Why was little in quotations lol. And then it arrived. A huge and heavy box, very noisy when you shook it a bit around. I was both excited and panicked hoping nothing...
London and Italy Care Packages

London and Italy Care Packages

I have two fabulous care packages to share with you. We recently have gotten a lot of new members at the Foodie Exchange, mostly Europeans. These two exchanges are both from Europe: one in London and the other in a place just south of Florence. What is the Foodie...
Paris Exchange

Paris Exchange

This post is quite late in the making with the excitement of my trip to North Carolina and the inert state my mind has gone into since my return. But what a treat today to show you what I received from my latest Foodie Exchange with Kirstin from Paris. Not familiar...
Oklahoma Foodie Exchange

Oklahoma Foodie Exchange

Yes Its time for another Foodie exchange show and tell. This time its from JC in Oklahoma City. Unfortunately one item did not arrive intact. This would be why the pic is so so. What was probably divine BBQ sauce was not a messy goo amongst broken glass. Even with a...
Good Things from NYC

Good Things from NYC

Another successful exchange arrived in the mail. This one is from Andrea of High/Low Food/Drink. Andrea is originally from Toronto but now resides in New York City. We decided to do the care package exchange after she signed up for the Foodie Exchange Group. Now I had...
Baltimore Care Package

Baltimore Care Package

This is turning into a really really fun idea. I am so happy we gave the Foodie Exhange program life. It is just so munch fun meeting fellow foodies from around the world and doing an exchang. In the group you get to introduce $10 worth...