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Chocolate Apple Pie with Nut Crust

Chocolate Apple Pie with Nut Crust

Looking for a practically guilty free pie when the sweet tooth attacks? Well I have a recipe for you. This recipe was given to me by Stef. The crust of the pie is made of crushed nuts, and egg white and a bit of sugar. That is it. You could fill it any way you like...

Sunday Morning French Toast

Sunday Morning French Toast

I have been craving a good french toast for some time now. I rarely make a big special breakfast on Sundays at home and I do not do brunch out much anymore, usually it was an excuse for a social get together with friends. It just happens that lately with Stef we have...

Milk Braised Fennel

Milk Braised Fennel

Still fighting the laryngitis but it is finally getting better! You are not going to believe this but this post goes back to Christmas. Oops. Well actually I have a few possible future posts that date back even further but this one I cannot hide the holiday factor! I...

Ginger Garlic Tea Recipe

Ginger Garlic Tea Recipe

January 24th Update: Cold is gone but I am suffering from full blown laryngitis. Not in a blogging mind frame. Will be back soon! ----------------------------------- Yesterday morning, without any warning, I lost something very precious: my voice. I have been winning...

Dangerous Dan’s Diner, Toronto

Dangerous Dan’s Diner, Toronto

In my past two posts of my New Year's trip I only showed you brief glimpses of all the vineyards and various culinary delight and tourist traps we enjoyed. Today I am devoting a whole post to one restaurant, one you would not expect to see reviewed here on Cheap...

International Incident Hotdogs Party

International Incident Hotdogs Party

Ah the first International Incident party of the year 2011! And this month we are scrutinizing hot dogs! The all-American food, the ball park staple, the wiener of fast food. Alas I am not a major league fan. If I had to chose between a hamburger and a hot dog,...