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Gourmet Taco War for Dans la rue

Gourmet Taco War for Dans la rue

I have been busssyyyyy! Not much time in the kitchen but I had another awesome foodie event I wanted to share. And this Saturday was my 2nd Food Film Marathon which was a success, another post to come on that. I'll be back as of Saturday with new kitchen creations! A...

Montreal Diner en Blanc

Montreal Diner en Blanc

A few weeks ago I attended a truly unique foodie event called Diner en Blanc (Diner in White): an outdoor meal set in a mystery location while everyone sports white clothes, white shoes and white accessories, carrying their tables with white table cloth and white...

Hearty Vegetarian Chili

Hearty Vegetarian Chili

This past Wednesday was the first cold day announcing the possibility of fall. I had to wear socks and closed shoes. I hate socks and I hate closed shoes. I am happiest in sandals. I have been free of socks since like end of May. This weather also brought on my first...

To my Mickey

To my Mickey

Forgive my absence on the food scene or returning comments, these last days have been hard. My beautiful cat Mickey, only 10 years old, passed away peacefully with the help of the vet on September 18th. He bravely fought cancer and anemia for the last 6 weeks but the...

A Special night: DE LA RUE AUX ÉTOILES

A Special night: DE LA RUE AUX ÉTOILES

Everyone in Montreal is familiar with the epic Dans la Rue organization, which was Founded by Father Emmett Johns (nicknamed Pops) in 1988. This grassroots, community-based organization works with street kids and at-risk youth aged 12 to 25. The philosophy of of the...

A Recipe for Good Vision

A Recipe for Good Vision

Permit me to go a little of topic today, but I do have something wonderful to share with you all. Interested in free eye glasses? Read on. I was recently contacted by to try a free pair of glasses of my choice. Not really food related but who can resist...

SRC: Strawberry Avocado Salsa

SRC: Strawberry Avocado Salsa

Today is my group’s reveal day for the Secret Recipe Club. What is the SRC? Basically you are assigned a fellow participant’s blog by the organizer and then you pick a recipe of your choice from that blog and make your version of it. But it is a secret, you cannot...