Beauty Health Recipes, Exotic World Recipes, Food Trends & Gadgets, Instructions 101
Yes it is Cheap, yes it is Ethnic, but no no no this is not a recipe to eat. I love doing these unusual posts here. Did I ever tell you I am a henna freak? I have been doing it for about 5 years now. And it has become a personal right of passage into the warm season....
Exotic World Recipes, Instructions 101, Main Course Recipes, Traditions
Talk about killing 2 birds with 1 stone: 2 challenges, same publish date…SAME THEME! Awesome! And it gets better, I cooked with another daring kitchen member who has a food blog and who just so happens to be a great friend! On the menu tonight for both the...
Dessert Recipes, Exotic World Recipes
In my ever continuing search for unusual ingredients, today I bring you the Aloe Vera plant. I have lathered my body in the past with many Aloe Vera enhanced creams and lotions in my life, even broke of a leaf from a house Aloe plant to help ease a burn…but I...
Exotic World Recipes, Food Trends & Gadgets
Now we have all be reading and slowly taking an interest in healthier food, not only do many of us now opt for organic food, they must also be properly certified, specify where they came from, how the product was treated, etc. Now one of the latest quest to make the...
Exotic World Recipes, Ice Cream and Frozen Recipes, Traditions
I cannot tell you how excited and honored I am to present you with my first ever contribution to the monthly 5 Star Makeover. This relatively new cooking club is run by Natasha at Five Star Foodie and Lazaro of Lazaro Cooks. I was really attracted to their club...
Appetizer Recipes, Exotic World Recipes, Vegetable and Side Dishes Recipes
Renata of Testado, Provado & Aprovado! is our Daring Cooks April 2011 hostess. Renata challenged us to think “outside the plate” and create our own edible containers! Prizes are being awarded to the most creative edible container and filling, so vote...