Guest post on ici et here

Guest post on ici et here

I am so proud to share with you today a link to my guest post on ici et here, entitled… Ethnically Tasting Montreal, Frugally   In this special post I discuss why we are a city of foodies and tell you about my favorite ethnic hangouts. PLUS you can listen...

Is Your Coffee Cup Half Full or Half Empty?

I am not one to usually just publish all the press releases I get but when I feel there is truly a good message then I am happy to share good worthy info. This is the case with the latest PR from Maxwell House Coffee…. Is Your Coffee Cup Half Full or Half Empty?...
Iron Chef Longueuil: Chef Evelyne VS Chef Stef

Iron Chef Longueuil: Chef Evelyne VS Chef Stef

I am in a bit of a blogging blah…or end of winter blues. So things are quiet…even if I have a backlog of posts to do. But today I have a little picture essay post from an event that goes back quite a bit actually…Stef and I were just friends still at...
MY Your Best Recipe 2010

MY Your Best Recipe 2010

This is my second time participating in the YBR. Now have you heard of YBR yet? No? Well it is a great round-up idea that Spicie Foodie came up with. Every month participants submit what ever recipe on the blog they liked the best for that current month. It’s a...