A Cake Reconstruction

A Cake Reconstruction

I am sure most bloggers want their first real post of the new year to be sublime, an impressive display, a creation to evoke jealousy in other food blogger (said jokingly of course). Well not I, nope, I bring you leftovers! But I am not doing it because I want to, I...

Italian Ricotta Cookies

Italian Ricotta Cookies Italian Ricotta Cookies are gorgeous domed cookies that are just about as moist as can be. They will become a family favorite. Sprinkles make these extra festive. 1/2 pound butter (softened)1 3/4 cup granulated sugar2 eggs1 15 oz-container...
Coconut Cream Pie

Coconut Cream Pie

I have been getting weird and intense food cravings lately. I usually hold off on them for a while, see if they pass. But the Coconut Cream Pie craving, a pie worthy of my childhood memories, I could not shake off. I recall a very young Evelyne having this pie on a...

Caramel Mock Apple Bites

Caramel Mock Apple Bites lb grapes (washed and patted dry, and at room temperature)homemade caramel1/3 c chopped walnutstoothpicks Place a toothpick at the top of each grape.Place caramel in a pan and cook until thickened. Remove from heat and let cool a bit.Dip each...