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Speculoos Splendor

Speculoos Splendor

A common question I get is: "What are some of your favorite products that you have received from the care packages you have received from the Foodie Exchange? Of course here are quite a few:the hickory smoked salt, saffron, the best mint teat ever from England, Pequin...



The province of Quebec now has its very own French food channel. Welcome to... I found out about this new channel in an odd way actually. I was at the Berri subway station, an major subway station here in Montreal where a few lines cross. They were distributing  Zeste...

Quebec Women and Food

There is a very interesting article in the May 2010 issue Coup de Poucewith statistics done by Coupe de Pouce on the relationship women in Quebec have with food. I thought I would share a few. This is but a hand full of them from the article so if you want the rest I...

Thursday’s Thingamajig: Govino Wine Glasses

Thursday’s Thingamajig: Govino Wine Glasses

I am going to share a an embarrassing secret with you: Four years ago someone placed a curse on me. I am cursed to break wine glasses. Don't believe me? I swear it is true. I do not know whom placed this curse on me but it started at a party on a Dec 30th. I broke by...

Viva Italia Exchange

Viva Italia Exchange

Another Italian exchange! This time this latest care package comes from Elga of Semi di Papavero. Elga is located in Ferrara, about 50 km NE of Bologna in Italy. This package is a perfect mixture of sweet and spicy! Its like Elga looked into my foodie soul. Here we...

Daring Bakers Mar 2010: Orange Tian

Daring Bakers Mar 2010: Orange Tian

I was thrilled when I found out this month's challenger was a Montreal Food Blogger who is part of the Blogger Foodie Dinner group we now organize. Yay someone I actually know in person. The 2010 March Daring Baker's challenge was hosted by Jennifer of Chocolate...

Luxurious Bordeaux Exchange

Luxurious Bordeaux Exchange

I was so curious when Mathilde from Bordeaux said: I just mailed your 'little' package. Why was little in quotations lol. And then it arrived. A huge and heavy box, very noisy when you shook it a bit around. I was both excited and panicked hoping nothing was broken. I...

Ironing your Coffee?

Ironing your Coffee?

So its a lazy Sunday morning and I am doing some totally random net surfing. I fell on a site I thought would be food related called Cafe Press but it turns out it was a custom tshirts website, not what I expected at all. Or was it? Well it certainly made me laugh in...

Self-saucing Chocolate Pudding

Self-saucing Chocolate Pudding

I have a confession to make. I have not baked really in years until recently. I used to love to bake. I baked all the time. Then I guess time got away from me, I lived alone so I got stuck with a cake. It did not become fun anymore. But since I have been part of the...

Thursday’s Thingamajig: O Kitchen

Thursday’s Thingamajig: O Kitchen

OK, are you sitting down for this one! I am not kidding. Sit! Need a kitchen? The hole freaking thing I am talking about.A kitchen that you can travel with, or lock up for your secret recipes? Your prayers have been answered with the O Kitchen. Now this is just a...