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Chocolate Coconut Cake

Chocolate Coconut Cake

I bought a big bag of sliced coconut a while bag which I only used as decoration for a recipe! So I needed to find a recipe that used a lot of coconut to use up at least some of my bag. I found this great Chocolate Coconut Cake recipe from Donna Hay. It's slightly...

3 Quickie Resto Reviews

3 Quickie Resto Reviews

I know I have been bad. I have had 3 restaurants I wanted to review but it has been to long for me to write now a proper full review. So I will tease you instead with a quick note and pictures of each. Let's go to Syria, England and stay on the Terroir! Kaza Maza 4629...

Colorful Panna Cotta Verrine

Colorful Panna Cotta Verrine

I love verrines. They are just the cutest thing to have with a meal. I love how you can pack a visually stunning show in a small glass container. It is cooking and it is art all in one. This post was actually my second possible entry had I move on to the 4th round of...

InCuisin with Chuck Hugues

InCuisin with Chuck Hugues

So I had my first brush with a real live famous Chef, but more on that later. This past Wednesday I went to the Guilde Culinaire for a very special event: a exclusive party were guests tested, tasted and cooked with In Foods newest line of healthier, ready in two...

1 Stop Best Kitchen Shopping

One way to save a few bucks though is to thoroughly price shop your appliances and also analyze what is the best option for your needs. Here is a great site to do this: a Kitchen and Dining Products Buying Guide. You can choose an array of kitchen appliances and see...

Sponge Candy, could have been a contender

Sponge Candy, could have been a contender

Wow, been a while since I posted by my standards! But it has been a whirlwind past few days. Alas I found out on Friday 2pm that I did not get picked to move on to round 4 of Project Food Blog. I am (more or less) over it, I was actually pretty shocked, saddened, and...

Pour Some Sugar on Me

Pour Some Sugar on Me

We had our 4th annual all sugar event with the Cheap Ethnic Eatz Dinner Group recently and again it was a unanimous success. This event consists of 3 to 4 stops at locations that serve sugar in various forms and in all its glory. In this post I will let the pictures...