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Cheesepalooza: Farmhouse Cheddar

Cheesepalooza: Farmhouse Cheddar

Here we are already at the 5th month of Cheesepalooza. Well I am actually a little late, this was the December installment where we had to make a Farmhouse Cheddar or a Caerphilly. This was our first pressed cheese. Oh boy a new challenge. You learn a lot making...

Red Velvet Cheesecake and Happy New Year

Red Velvet Cheesecake and Happy New Year

As the New Year flows in May you soar ever higher Reach greater heights And find happiness in everything you do Happy New Year to all of you! I hope you have been enjoying the holiday season and have spent many happy moments with loved ones. If you are like me and are...

Verdie Mae’s Absinthe Frappe

Verdie Mae’s Absinthe Frappe

Are you still looking for a great cocktail idea for your friends and family get togethers over the next few days? Here is a winner with one of my favorite beverage treats: Absinthe. Think Mojito or Mint Julep but New Orleans style! This recipe comes from the Taste of...

Drunken Gummy Bears

Drunken Gummy Bears

Remember those crazy parties where someone made jello shots? The first time you propably popped them back one after the other without realizing that all of a sudden the effects of the sweet candy alcohol would catch up. I admit I have had this less then stellar momemt...

Pan-Roasted Salsify

Pan-Roasted Salsify

Thanks for all your good wishes. I am still fighting this cold. Some days I win, some days the cold winds. But it shall pass. Thus I remain a bit quieter still on the blog front. OK so raise your hands if you have ever tried salsify before? I knew it, only 2 of you...

Nutlove: Deluxe Nut Bars

Nutlove: Deluxe Nut Bars

This is the perfect time of the year to be recipe hunting. I will have 2 family gatherings and I will have to bring a dish to each event. I have my favorite finds bookmarked in a special folder. This month's Love Bloghop is focusing on Nuts. A perfect choice for a...

CEE Foodie Foto Memories for RED TO REMEMBER

CEE Foodie Foto Memories for RED TO REMEMBER

RED TO REMEMBER On December 1 it will be World AIDS Day The "cooking red to remember" for World Aids Day is an initiative by Angela, of the blog Spinach Tiger, who lost a brother and a cousin to Aids. Read the eloquent post she wrote about her experience. Here is a...

Cheesepalooza: Mozzarella

Cheesepalooza: Mozzarella

Here we are already at the 4th month of Cheesepalooza. This month we had to make mozzarella. Well the experience almost broke me. I'll tell you more about it later but I required 4 attempts before I had success. I almost lost my desire to make cheese. Let me reassure...