Quebec Women and Food

There is a very interesting article in the May 2010 issue Coup de Poucewith statistics done by Coupe de Pouce on the relationship women in Quebec have with food. I thought I would share a few. This is but a hand full of them from the article so if you want the rest I...
Musée Ramsey

Musée Ramsey

Last Saturday I took out the Cheap Ethnic Eatz group to the  Château Ramezay Museum which currently has an exposition devoted to the eating habits of our settlers and the culinary influences that shaped todays Quebec...
Herbes Salées

Herbes Salées

Here is a traditional Quebec recipe called  in French Herbes Salées, which translates to Salted Herbs. A lively seasoning for soups –particularly pea soup — sauces, stews, and omelettes.  This recipe comes from the Metis district. This makes...