Homemade Green Tea Liqueur

Homemade Green Tea Liqueur

Yesterday I shared with you some holiday recipes I will be making. The cocktail’s recipe contained 1 ingredient many of you may not be familiar with: Green Tea Liqueur. Honestly, I just discovered it myself this summer while I was in Toronto. The Quebec liquor...
Orange Candied Peel

Orange Candied Peel

I still remember walking in Nice in the local market and coming across a booth that sold only candied fruits. It was one of the most beautiful displays of food I have ever seen in my life. Many I had never seen candied before: strawberries, kiwis, cantaloupes. The one...
Borscht Soup

Borscht Soup

September is here (how did that happen?), kids are back in school, summer holidays are mostly over…..and there is, unfortunately, a possible little chill in the summer air announcing the coming of fall. Well days can be beautiful but evenings are definitely...