Birthday Lunch at Toqué

Birthday Lunch at Toqué

Just 1 month and half late, but better to post later then never, right? I wanted to share with you a wonderful lunch experience I enjoyed with my friend A-M for my birthday…back in early May. She is a concierge at an upscale hotel in downtown Montreal and one of...
Milk Braised Fennel

Milk Braised Fennel

Still fighting the laryngitis but it is finally getting better! You are not going to believe this but this post goes back to Christmas. Oops. Well actually I have a few possible future posts that date back even further but this one I cannot hide the holiday factor! I...
IIP: Jello and Play Dough

IIP: Jello and Play Dough

Blue, Red, Yellow, Green Pink, Gray, Orange, Purple So many choices, so many possibilities! This month,the last of 2010, is an International Incident Colour Party! Do I choose monochrome, stick to pastels, 2 complimentary colors, psychedelic? Nah, only thing in my...