Mommy I am not feeling good
I could tell for a bit the Mickey was a little off and that he lost weight. He was very lethargic. I blamed it on the ongoing heat wave and major humidity. I went away for 5 days and had a friend come in to feed the cats. When I got back I was shocked at how thin he was and on the second day I realized he was not eating much. Mickey started having accidents on the floor instead of the liter box too. We went to the vet and did the necessary tests. They did not really find anything wrong except for the presence of bacteria so we assumed bladder infection. He weighted 7.5 pounds only, half what he weighted. I was in shock; it is not always hard to notice on a fur ball such a change. We went home with antibiotics and they hydrated him.
Then things went really bad: Mickey stopped urinating entirely. We went back to the vet and he was hospitalized for 3 nights. He was not leaving before they knew he could urinate. Then the big blow came: all 3 vets at the clinic felt 2 masses in his little body, in his abdomen and around the bladder. Mickey has the Big C, cancer. I was and still am crushed by the news.

Homemade Cat Treats
I never had a cat or dog as a child because of allergies at home. Five year ago I got 2 cats, my very first real pets of my life. One hears story of how overly emotionally attached people get to their pets and I always wondered how I felt about that. Well you really do not realize how attached you get to these little creatures until something tragic happens. I have shed so many tears. I feel as strongly as I would for a family member.
Another crushing aspect is choosing what you can or cannot afford at the vet, which brings on a lot of guilt. The little savings I had is mostly gone. I am so thankful that the vets are very understanding of financial situations and they have given me all the options (even some freebies). I am choosing the best I can but I cannot afford surgery, biopsies, radiation, etc. The vets were wonderful enough to go ahead and decide on a treatment without the ‘official’ diagnosis. He is on antibiotics, cortisone pills and once-a-week chemotherapy in pill form. There is no official prognosis…we will see in a month after some blood tests.

Yummy treats
Mickey is back home now and using the liter box. I have put on my kitty nurse outfit and tend as best I can. I feel like a mean nurse though most of the time. Most of my interactions with him are not pleasant; an example is he does not understand these pills shoved in his throat are a good thing. He is a little bit more alert and for the last 2 days I have started to feed him a bit more with a syringe (he does not like that either) since he is not consuming enough calories on his own.
Kitty Cat Homemade Treats
1 tbsp cat dry kibble, ground
1/4 cup oatmeal or wheat germ, ground
1/2 small jars strained chicken baby food
1/2 tablespoon water
Preheat oven to 350 degrees
In a medium bowl, mix the oats or wheat germ, a bit of baby food at a time, and the water together. The measurements are approximations, you want to achieve a wet dough. Spoon small balls (a big sized pea) on aluminum foil on a cookie sheet. Bake for 20 to 25 minutes in the preheated oven.

A healthy Mickey, last year
Right now his quality of life is still good and he has not given up. He deserves a shot at treatment. He is exhausted and weak but not in pain. I pray he improves and I pray I do not have to make the big decision I the very near future. This morning he did give me a very good sign: his food dish was empty and he was clearly asking for food. I hope there will be an empty dish when I get home tonight. I love you Mickey.
Finally, I want to send a gigantic thank you to the wonderful people at the Cote Saint Luc Animal Hospital (7930 Baily, Montreal, QC H4W 3J8 – 514-489-6845). They offer amazing care for both the pet and the owner during treatment and they have been following up every other day with me in this first week back home.
I’m so sorry to hear about Mickey. Being a mom, I really know how much you were worried about Mickey. Hope he’ll get well with the treatment. You must take good care of yourself meanwhile too! Hugs!
Oh, sweetie … I don’t think there is any such thing as “overly attached.” You love with all your heart, and it is what it is. I don’t get people who DON’T get attached. I hear you about the $$. Do you guys have Care Credit or anything like it in Quebec? It’s the only way we were able to afford surgery for our dog – basically it’s a no-interest credit card. You have like 2 years to pay it off with no interest. Anyway, I hope he’s doing better. As someone who gives her cat subcutaneous fluids every single day, I understand totally. Hugs.
That’s terrible. But at least you had some warning beforehand. My sister’s ferret literally passed on overnight with no prior symptoms.
Best of luck with his treatment!
Oh, no. I am so totally sorry to hear this–I have a cat who is in the last few months of her life and I know it is truly heartbreaking when your beloved pet faces this sort of health crisis. You are doing the right things for Mickey and you have my thoughts and prayers as he moves forward with his treatment.
Best wishes to you and your cat, Evelyne. I’m sure you brightened his day with these scrumptious little kitty treats. A good reminder that chefs can make any creature happy with their talents and affections!
Ohh Evelyne. I am soooo soooo very sorry. Please know, you are a wonderful mum to Mickey. You both are in my prayers. 🙂
What an adorable little bundle!
I want to thank you all for your encouraging comments and good wishes, from both myself and Mickey xoxoxox
Oh Evelyne, I am so sorry to hear about Mickey…I hope he gets better with treatment…in the meantime stay strong my dear 🙂
Oh Evelyne I am so sorry to hear about your little baby. I lost one of mine in January and like you said it’s heartbreaking. I cried for weeks. I hope he improves and continues to fight. My remaining cat is a tabby also, orange. I will add your Mickey to my prayers in hopes of a full recovery. Miracles do happen. Hang in there! And thanks for the treat recipe!
I am so SORRY to hear about Mickey’s diagnosis. ;-((( This early year all my 3 cats were ill and I totally understand how you you feel now.
More power to you and Mickey! Mickey, FIGHT it BACK and Keep purring….
I’m so sorry to hear about that, Evelyne. I hope he recovers soon. He’s so cute! My prayers are with you!
I’m so sorry to hear about Mickey’s diagnosis. My mom has 4 cats and I completely understand how they become part of the family. Mickey is lucky to have you taking some amazing care of him…love that you made him homemade treats. Sending you hugs and keeping Mickey in my prayers.
I first want to send you the biggest hug EVER! I totally understand what you are feeling:-( Your sweet Mickey looks so much like my late Paco. For all the saddness we endure with our sweet babies, I always say I would never change a thing. Having animals in our lives is beyond special, they bring so much happiness, and love in our lives. Enjoy every moment you have with you sweet baby. Your treats look wonderful for your baby, Sending love and hugs, Terra
just looking at this little kitty makes me want to get a little kitty too. but, damm my allergies 🙁
i hope mickey gets better soon. i am sure those treats would help 😉
Oh, I’m so sorry, my friend. Mickey is beautiful and I know how devastating his diagnosis must have been. He is lucky to have such a caring mama. Special thoughts for you both…a hug for you and a loving pet for Mickey. xo
Ev..I had a Mickey cat too. He died of a heart attack in 2004, the day after the Yankees lost the ALCS to the Red Sox after leading 3 games to zero…a historic collapse. He loved the Yankees..used to ‘watch’ the games with us, so I maintain he died of a broken heart. He even looked a little like your Mickey! That said..I hope your Mickey’s cancer diagnosis turns out to be something easily treated and curable. For now..he has a great Mommy loving him and making him awesome cat treats! xoxo Praying hard for the cutie. I think he needs a pin..that face in the first photo is priceless!