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Homemade Pasta

Homemade Pasta

Being part of a wonderful online community can be so rewarding. I have met online and some in real is many wonderful people from all over the world. Often you follow your new friend's blogs regularly and comments are always mutually left. It can be quite inspiring....

Is Your Coffee Cup Half Full or Half Empty?

I am not one to usually just publish all the press releases I get but when I feel there is truly a good message then I am happy to share good worthy info. This is the case with the latest PR from Maxwell House Coffee.... Is Your Coffee Cup Half Full or Half Empty?...

A Breton Kouign Amann

A Breton Kouign Amann

I bowed out of this month's Daring Bakers as I just had too much on my plate with the cold and with time/personal issues. Good news, the cold is getting better. Please accept this offering instead. This Breton flaky pastry means Butter Cake and the recipe originally...

Jelling Exoticly

Jelling Exoticly

Here is a fun little find from my latest Asian grocery store adventure. We actually visited 2 in a short period of time so I cannot remember which one but there are 2 huge Asian grocery stores in surrounding Montreal: Hawaii in Ville Saint-Laurent and Kim Phat in...

Daring Cooks: Salmon Ceviche

Daring Cooks: Salmon Ceviche

Kathlyn of Bake Like a Ninja was our Daring Cooks’ March 2011 hostess. Kathlyn challenges us to make two classic Peruvian dishes: Ceviche de Pescado from “Peruvian Cooking – Basic Recipes” by Annik Franco Barreau. And Papas Rellenas adapted from a home recipe by...

Iron Chef Longueuil: Chef Evelyne VS Chef Stef

Iron Chef Longueuil: Chef Evelyne VS Chef Stef

I am in a bit of a blogging blah...or end of winter blues. So things are quiet...even if I have a backlog of posts to do. But today I have a little picture essay post from an event that goes back quite a bit actually...Stef and I were just friends still at that time....

From the Sea Stew

From the Sea Stew

Well if you think I was going to make my lobster broth and move on without another word you were oh so wrong! Of course I was planning on using a good amount of my many liters pronto. And my first use of the lobster broth will be for a delicious fish stew. I am not...