****after I published this link like everywhere on earth a friend wrote saying:’ Is it not spelled whirlwind?” Duh, blind moment…yes I wrote it wrong.***

Wow, when they say everything happens at the same time….they mean it. And over a 3 day period – in a row!

Even if you try to ignore me I’ll be plastered all over the place 😉

images Sunday I was the focus of the Sunday Bite TV segment during the 6 o’clock news. Look for the online clip of it of Nov 29th Foodie Exchange.


Monday my blog, the  dinner group and the Foodie Exchange were the focus of the Montreal Food Examiner column. This article was written by a fellow Montreal Food blogger Liliana Tommasini.


Tuesday is the publishing date for an article I wrote for Food Talk on The Daring Kitchen. The article is entitled From the Oven to Under the Christmas Tree.


Thank you to Nadine, Liliana and Lisa for the opportunities!


On a separate note we raised another 29$ last night for the Kiva Campain 2009…bringing our total to 97$ so far. PLEASE donate, even if 1$ by paypal (worldethnicfood @ hotmail dot com). Its an amazing cause

Thank you!!!!!!!!!!!!!!