Are you a regular victim of the 3 pm craving? A slice of this Peach Walnut Coffee Cake, with your favorite cup of coffee or tea, will definitely hit the spot. It’s just peachy!

Sitting at my desk I suddenly feel an energy slump almost every workday in the afternoon. Chances are if I look at the clock it is probably just about 3pm. I need a little boost of sugar, a little energy kick in the hiney, to finish off the day. This Peach Walnut Coffee Cake is a healthier alternative to just plain cake, because of the protein boost from the walnuts and a heavy fruit dose in every slice.

Peach Walnut Coffee Cake

Have you ever asked yourself what the heck is a coffee cake? I know I get the giggles every time I hear the term as I rarely get a cake with coffee in it. A coffee cake is best described as a single layer cake or sweet bread, flavored with cinnamon (check) or fruit (check), often topped with nuts (check), usually served with coffee.

This recipe is a take on Angie’s Walnut Pear Spelt Cake with a few modifications. Besides the peach overload, it seem like what sets this particular recipe apart from the other coffee cakes is the added ground walnuts to the batter. Every bite is filled with a lovely nutty flavor and the cake’s texture is slightly denser.

Peach Walnut Coffee Cake

A Peachy Keen Cake

I shared with you recently a recipe for a Boozy Peaches and Cream Trifle. Well I am back with peaches again! I just cannot help myself, they are truly one of my favorite fruits. Thankfully peaches can be found in cans as the peaches I see at the grocer in the wintertime are not worth a dime.

Did you know that most cans of peaches in North America are filled with California cling peaches? They are canned fresh, shortly after harvest, on family farms which adhere to the highest agricultural and safety standards. Packed in their own juices and no added preservatives, canned California cling peaches are high in antioxidants, Vitamin A, Vitamin C and brimming with folate.

Peach Walnut Coffee Cake

Don’t limit your consumption of this cake only to coffee time. Change your breakfast routine with a couple of slices of this cake plus a glass of milk (of your choice). And it also makes a great dessert at dinner time.  Disclosure: this post was sponsored by California cling peaches.

Gâteau aux noix et pêches

Êtes-vous régulièrement une victime de la rage de sure de 15 heures? Une tranche de ce gâteau aux noix et pêches, avec votre tasse préférée de café ou de thé, sera certainement comblé vos besoins.
Course Dessert
Servings 1 gâteau


  • 2- conserves de 28 oz de pêches en tranches dans leur sirop
  • 125 g beurre mou
  • 100 g sucre
  • 3 oeufs
  • 200 g farine
  • 75 g noix de Grenobles moulu
  • 1 tsp poudre à pâte
  • 1/2 tsp sel
  • 1/2 tsp gingembre en poudre
  • 1/2 tsp canelle en poudre
  • 60 ml lait


  • Égoutter 12 tranches de pêches et les sècher avec un essui-out. Couper en petits cubes.
  • Préparer un moule à pain rectangulaire et préchauffer le four à 180C/350F. Battre le beurre et le sucre jusqu'à consistance crêmeuse avec un malexeur. Battre au mélange 1 oeuf à la fois et bien incorporer.
  • Mélanger la farine, les noix de Grenobles, la poudre à pâte, le sel et les épices ensemble. Mélanger la moitié de la farine avec les ingrédients mouillés. Ajouter tout le lait, bien mélanger, et ensuite y mélanger le restant de la farine. Bien incorporer. Replier délicatement les pêches dans la pâte.
  • Verser la pâte dans le moule. Égoutter et sècher au tant de tranches de pêches que nécessaire pour décorer le dessus du gâteau avec le motif désiré. Parsemer avec des noix de Grenobles si désiré.
  • Cuire au four pendant 60-70 minutes. Refroidir le moule pendant 15 minutes, démouler et laisser le gâteau refroidir au complet sur une grille avant de servor. Trancher pour le service.

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