You cooked all last week and now your fridge is busting with a piece of this, a portion of that, etc. Many of us in this case come up with a leftover dish, like the famous turkey casserole variations.

Well I took this idea and ran with it…for ice cream. Yes I was rebellious and created an ice cream I can pretty much bet my life on the fact no one on earth has ever made before. I can only give you an approximate of what I used. You will think it sounds weird and maybe gross….but its GOOD.

I just wish I could come up with a better title but…I can’t

Leftover Ice Cream

all ingredients are approximations

1 1/2 cup ewe’s yogurt (from my Atwater shopping expedition)
1/2 can coconut milk (from January’s Daring Cook’s Challenge, still a secret)
3/4 cup of 35% cream (from the Dreaming of Zen cocktail)
1/2 milk (found in fridge, always)
3/4 cup brown sugar (from Gingerbread House)
1/4 cup powdered almonds (from macarons of course)
1/2 cup slivered almonds (from the Paris Brest)
1/4 dried cranberries (from clean up, found in cupboard)

Just toss it all in your ice cream machine and follow your model’s directions. Voila . I swear it tastes good.