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Maple Vodka

Maple Vodka

I don't even remember where I got this recipe, I just ripped it out of a pamphlet I got in the mail. But I had to share it because it is just too yummy looking. Make it tonight so its ready for New Year's Eve. Mine is in the fridge infusing as we speak! Maple Vodka...

A Cookbook Review: Macaron

A Cookbook Review: Macaron

A little while back I received an invitation to a Macaron book launch. The book was the work of my two favourite Macaron makers in Montreal...Gaëlle and Johan Crop of La Maison du Macaron in the Plateau. At the book launch I met the PR team which was kind enough to...

Compulsive Shopping

Compulsive Shopping

Today I had brunch with a friend near one of Montreal"s biggest makrets: the Atwater Market. In the summer it is briming with produce sold by the local farmers outside. At this tme of the year that space was replaced with Chistmas trees salemans. But there is an...

Saumon en Croute

Saumon en Croute

I dare you to make it! Well that was this month's Daring Cook's challenge on the Daring Kitchen. Wow let me tell you when I read it I was like : Finally something easy! I have never made this before (nor the similar Beef Wellington) but just reading the instructions I...

Thursday’s Thingamajig: Pizza Boss pizza cutter

I am starting a new weekly feature where we'll look at a unique and original cooking utensil or gadget. Why? Just for fun. And why thingamajig? Because it sounds funny he he. But here is the official definition in case you never heard of that word: a gadget or other...

Gracia Afrika

Gracia Afrika

Seems like its bean a while since I have done a restaurant review.  Perhaps because the last events were hosted by either assistant organizers or guest organizers. But now my time has come around again. And this time I will tell you about a tropical find, or should I...

Toronto Poutine?

Toronto Poutine?

I was just forwarded a link to an article about a restaurant chain in Toronto that serves exclusively poutine. Funny enough the person who sent it to me is a co-worker who lives in Toronto but spends every other month up in Montreal (lucky him!) This place is called...

Worldwind Exposure

Worldwind Exposure

****after I published this link like everywhere on earth a friend wrote saying:' Is it not spelled whirlwind?" Duh, blind moment...yes I wrote it wrong.*** Wow, when they say everything happens at the same time....they mean it. And over a 3 day period - in a row! Even...

Pequin pepper

Pequin pepper

Sorry for not posting a in a few days. I actually have a major one on standby but waiting for something else to happen (which it will today) to publish that one. So in the mean time I will satisfy a little curiosity I have had for a while. When Louise of Felice in the...

Homemade Ricotta and Mascarpone

Homemade Ricotta and Mascarpone

These two recipes were the 'bonus' recipes of this month's Baker's Challenge over at The Daring Kitchen.....the challenging being cannoli if you read my posts a bit below. Now I did not make these bonus recipes but totally thought they are worth sharing. I also do...