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Absinthe Evening

Absinthe Evening

How do you start off a week in style and non-sobriety? Well for me this past Monday I accomplished that with an Absinthe dinner! It all started with our last All Sugar Event where we ended up at the Lab cocktail, a bar that specializes in Absinthe. My friend Johanne...

Daring Cooks Mezze

Daring Cooks Mezze

The 2010 February Daring COOKs challenge was hosted by Michele of Veggie Num Nums. Michele chose to challenge everyone to make mezze based on various recipes from Claudia Roden, Jeffrey Alford and Naomi Dugid. The February 2010 cooks’ challenge was Mezze, a bunch...

Beijing Restaurant

Beijing Restaurant

Happy Chinese New Year! Last night I had dinner at Beijing in Chinatown in celebration of the Chinese New Year. Originally I wanted to do a restaurant review but we had a special pre-ordered organized by 2 foodie friends. Beijing is actully a favorite place of mine...

Pairing Beer and Food

Pairing Beer and Food

I would like to assume most foodies are capable of pairing basic wines with certain foods. But we do not think of trying to pair other alcohols with food. Trying other spirits or beers can be revealing and fun. This coming Monday I am actually going to do that with a...

Paris Exchange

Paris Exchange

This post is quite late in the making with the excitement of my trip to North Carolina and the inert state my mind has gone into since my return. But what a treat today to show you what I received from my latest Foodie Exchange with Kirstin from Paris. Not familiar...

Cherry Bounce

Cherry Bounce

When I found out a few months ago that I would be traveling to Raleigh, NC I contacted the tourism bureau to receive a travel brochure. Of course I scrutinized the brochure for food facts or suggestions. One thing that went on my MUST list was the so called local...

Dinnerware with Style

I love going to kitchen stores or departments and look at the newest designs, equipments or inventions.. I also like shinny things he he. So the dinnerware sets section always calls out my name in a melodious song. Cooking is creative but I think table presentation is...

Cook with Quality Restaurant Supplies

We all know our little shop to go to when we are looking for a specific cooking supply for the kitchen. Well at least we think we do….until we get there and they don’t have that hard to find item. You do a few similar shops and you finally get back home empty...

A Festival for What?

This find was shared with me during our latest dinner event....a Turkey Testicle Festival in Illinois. Yes, you read it correctly.