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Happy St Pattys Green Beer

Happy St Pattys Green Beer

Hopping you feel the luck o' dee Irish all day! Here is the most difficult recipe I have ever posted on my blog....assuming you are drunk already by this time Green Beer Get a freezer cold mug and a bottle of light beer. Pour half the beer in the mug Add 4-6 green...

Moineau/Sparrow and Dev

Moineau/Sparrow and Dev

I have been so behind on restaurant reviews...I got two more and I am done. A dinner we recently had with the CEE dinner group was a great Indian find on Victoria in CDN. This place is called Dev Restaurant. This area is very ethnic and there are tones of Indian,...

Yuan Vegetarian

Yuan Vegetarian

I have said it once, I will say it again: with the amount of various ethnic foods I eat it is rare that a place will tantalize my taste buds in a...ahum...foreign way. This Cheap Ethnic Eatz dinner was organized by one of my assistants, Olivier, and I applaud him for...

London and Italy Care Packages

London and Italy Care Packages

I have two fabulous care packages to share with you. We recently have gotten a lot of new members at the Foodie Exchange, mostly Europeans. These two exchanges are both from Europe: one in London and the other in a place just south of Florence. What is the Foodie...

Daring Bakers Tiramisu

Daring Bakers Tiramisu

Is there anytime more divine then finishing off a delicious meal with a sublime Tiramisu? It is such a wonderful dessert that can pass as an optical illusion of light, but beware of its caloric content! You don't realize how many calories are in there until you make...

Nanaimo Better Late than Never

Nanaimo Better Late than Never

With a crazy end of January month I had to skip my first Baker's Challenge. This kind of really broke my heart as I actually follow the blog of the host: Lauren of Celiac Teen. I was really upset at not being able to participate in time. But I did promise myself to do...

Tea Eggs

Tea Eggs

Last Saturday I hosted a tiny dinner party for two old friends. Even if we do not see each other very often (the 3 of us together dated back about 2 years)  we are also not into complicated and elaborate meals. Its more about catching up. So I did not slave int he...