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Vacation Eatz: South Fast Food

Vacation Eatz: South Fast Food

The two really main food items, from what I experienced, in the South were fried chicken and BBQ pulled pork. I tasted a variety of each. Which were my favorite? You will kill me for saying this but in both cases my favorites were from local fast food chains. I know,...

Thursday’s Thingamajig: Space Soda

Thursday’s Thingamajig: Space Soda

Yes, I even managed to get a Thursday’s Thingamajig post out of my trip! I was quite amused with the space food displays at the National Air and Space Museum, particularly with the soft drink cans. Think about: someone actually sat down and thought up of a way to...

18th Floor Cherry Tomatoes

18th Floor Cherry Tomatoes

Before I start this post I just wanted to send out a big thank you to Amanda at The Mindful Table. She lent me temporarily her second camera while I wait for mine to resurface from it's silly journey. I mentioned a couple of times my recent pics were from my cell...

Super Filipino Exchange

Super Filipino Exchange

When Mhe-Lhanee of Pens, Pans, and Puns said she did not want to send things to exotic to scare me my answer was simple: Bring it on! And boy did she. There are a couple of really unusual items in this package I cannot wait to try with a touch of unknown apprehension....

Pan Blueberry Salmon

Pan Blueberry Salmon

**still stuck with only my cellphone camera** This one is definitely not for everyone. And I have to admit I have gotten various results depending on the quality of the fish. But with a good fillet you will get a very intriguing dish that is really out of the...

Thursday’s Thingamajig: what the heck?

Thursday’s Thingamajig: what the heck?

Back to our regularly scheduled program....almost. I skipped last week's Thursday edition as I was on vacation. So many food items I bought on my dining room furniture now and pics to sort on the USB key (food trip post coming, be patient). This week I am back but not...

Nut Butter

Nut Butter

Of course I did this recipe before going away and have misplaced some pics! I had a tbsp left of my walnut butter that I just took a shot of. And of course I forgot my camera on my friend's kitchen table in Washington DC so it's poor quality from the cell...

Tomato Butter

Tomato Butter

Would you like some tomato butter for your toast? Yes, yes you heard my right. Or perhaps a little tablespoon on your dessert? Fruit butters are not as well known as jams and jellies but they are in the same family. They have more of a paste texture to them and would...