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Daring Bakers: Sugar Cookies

Daring Bakers: Sugar Cookies

Voting starts today 6am PST for Project Food Blog. Please cast you vote for me to be the next food blog star! Just click this link to my 2nd challenge. Thank you! Voting end Sept 30rd 6pm PST, hurry! I was kind of really surprised when I saw this month's challenge. It...

IIP Egg-travaganza

IIP Egg-travaganza

Yes it is that time of the month for another EGG-cellent International Incident Party brought to us by Jeroxie and Tasty Trix (Happy Birthday Trix!) Now let's get cracking with this month's theme. Have you figured it out yet? If not well the yolk's on you! OK sorry...

Project Food Blog: Going to Round 2

Project Food Blog: Going to Round 2

Omg...Omg...Omg... Guess who is one of 400 bloggers to make it to round 2? Yes it's me! I am so excited! Thank you so much for everyone who sent me their good wishes, their support and their votes. Thank you Foodbuzz too! My entry for round 2 will be up here in a...

Peking Quack Quack

Peking Quack Quack

Reminder: please cast you vote for me to be the next food blog star! Just click this link to my official entry. Thank you! Voting end Sep 23rd 6opm PST, hurry! I have a wonderful particular group of friends which is made up mostly of culturally curious characters. We...

Project Food Blog 2010. Voting Starts

Remember my competition entry post? Well it is time for you to vote now! Just click this link to my official entry and vote for me please. I hope I can count on you, my readers, to vote for me. I would so appreciate it. A Food Blog Star Menu All participants have been...

Dining Room Shopping

Dining Room Shopping

I have a few - SPECIAL -  suggestions... For the musicians there is the music dining table from Yanko Design. No kidding it will make tones when being hit. The inspiration of this blog, sent to me by a friend by email, the Tabletop with dishes by Elad Kashi. Yes the...