These intricate Algerian Griwech pastries are made from contortioned dough into elaborate shapes, then fried and coated by a syrup and sesame seeds.
The word griwech translates to “crunchy” and that is a perfect description of the texture, yet they remain very delicate and are beautifully perfumed with orange blossom water. Algerian Griwech are very popular during religious celebrations, weddings and during the Muslim fasting month of Ramadhan which is just about to end.
For the last couple of months I felt nostalgic when reading posts around the net involving the Daring Kitchen. It’s a great group and one of the first I joined when I stared doing challenges. I was sure I had been kicked out for inactivity a long time ago. The last time I participated was in May 2011! Well turns out I am still a member. So there are actually two factions to the group: the Daring Cooks and the Daring Bakers. They post about 2 weeks apart. I’ll dip my toe back in once in a while, I love how one can really learn a lot of different cooking techniques in this group.
For the July daring cooks challenge, Kouky from “Cuisine à 4 mains“,challenged us to make Algerian Griwech, a popular Algerian dessert that is a full flavored delicacy that has both a melt-in-the-mouth and a crispy texture.
This is one of three recipes given to us by Kouky and it is from La cuisine Algérienne – SNED 1979. Alger . Click here for the full version of the challenge, all three recipes and many more shaping tutorials.
I have never prepared a pastry like this before. Working with a lightly orange perfumed dough was so lovely too. This shaping may look intimidating but once you actually do it its just clicks in the brain and it is easy to do. I worked a bit fast so they are not the most delicate looking Algerian Griwech but for a first timer I think I did a pretty good job.
And the syrup! Take the time to do the caramelization step because it really bumps the taste up. You will need to set some time aside as there are a lot of steps and it takes a bit of time. But OMG is it ever worth it. After the Gers Ogaily from Kuwait it is my favorite MENA dessert. These are the best! So good! Can’t…stop…eating…them…

Algerian Griwech Pastries
For the dough
- 4 cups all-purpose plain flour, spoon flour from bag and then level with knife
- 2/3 cup 150 gm butter, melted and cooled
- 1 large egg lightly beaten
- 1/2 cup 125 ml water
- 1 teaspoon 5 ml sugar
- 1 pinch salt
- 1 teaspoon 5 gm baking powder
- 1 teaspoon vanilla powder or vanilla extract
- 1 teaspoon of white vinegar
- 1 tablespoon orange blossom water
- Saffron or yellow food coloring optional
For the syrup
- 2 cups sugar
- 1 cup 250 ml water
- few drops of lemon important
- 1 tablespoon orange blossom water or other
Making the Dough
- In a large bowl, combine the dry ingredients: the flour, sugar, salt and baking powder
- Make a well & pour the melted & cooled butter, vinegar, orange blossom water & beaten egg
- Beat all by hand and gradually incorporate the flour by rubbing with the palms
- Dissolve saffron or food coloring in 1/2 cup (125 ml) of water
- Gradually add the flavored water and continue kneading till you get a smooth and soft dough
- Divide dough into several balls, wrap in cling film and leave to rest for at least 1 hour
Braid shaping
- Take a ball of dough and flatten slightly by hand. Sprinkle your board with cornstarch. With a rolling pin, flatten the dough to 2 to 3 mm (about 1/10 inch) thickness. If you prefer a crispy result, flatten it as thinly as you can. If not, leave it a bit thicker.
- With a pastry wheel (cutter), cut dough into rectangles of 10 to 12 cm (4 to 4¾ inch) long and 7 to 8 cm (2¾ to 3 inch) wide
- Inside each rectangle, make 5to7 cuts lengthwise without cutting the dough through . This will result in 6to8 strips of 1 to 1.5 cm (4/10 to 6/10 inch) wide of attached dough.
- Take one rectangle in the left hand. Pass two fingers of the right hand between the odd strips (1 front strap, 1 strap behind etc...)
- Then pass thumb through and pinch the upper left corner of the rectangle and pull it gently between strips to slide down off the other side. This will result in a braided shape. Place the braids on a tray. Repeat the process with the remaining dough.
- Once all the pastries are shaped, deep fry them in batches (SEE NOTE below), flipping them over half way, over medium heat until light golden. Remember to adjust temperature between batches. Remove from oil using a slotted spoon and drain on a tray covered with paper towel.
For the syrup
- Mix 1 cup of sugar and 1 cup water and place in a saucepan over medium heat.
- In the meantime, put the other cup of sugar in another saucepan, moisten it with 2 tablespoons of water, put on high heat at first then decrease and caramelize the sugar.
- Pour the caramel gently over the sugar-water mixture. It will bubble at the beginning. Stir and add a few drops of lemon juice to prevent crystallization of the sugar and the orange blossom water. Leave over medium heat for ten minutes then turn off.
- Plunge the pastries in warm syrup. Allow the pastries to soak for few minutes till you get an amber-like color. Drain then sprinkle both sides with toasted sesame seeds
- Griwech can be stored in a sealed container in the refrigerator for up to 2 weeks. You can store it in the same sealed container in the freezer for three months.
It is important to keep the oil at the correct temperature and fry the pastries in batches to give them room to puff and brown evenly. Oil that is too hot burns the outside of the pastry and leaves the inside underdone. If it is not hot enough, the pastries cook too slowly and retains more grease. Before frying, heat the oil to 365°F or 375°F (190 to 194°C). Use a frying thermometer to check and monitor the oil temperature.
These look delicious and I like the design. I’m not sure I could master the shape but it looks awesome.
Thank Nahan they really are pleasing to the yeye and taste. Looks hard but you get it right after making your first one.
those braids are so pretty. I think I’d be able to manage them thanks to your excellent photo (even though I am an uncoordinated klutz).
Thanks Shobha, trust me I am a klutz too, just takes making the first one and then you are good to go lol.
I can see why these are popular at special occasions – they are beautiful.
Thanks Mindi 🙂
They look so cool! And you can make them yourself, wow. Thanks for the instructions, might have to try this one.
They are really easier than they look, enjoy!
This is a very artistic looking pastry , great job Evelyne as always you come up with the most amazing stuff!
Thank you Prateek 🙂
gosh, they look pretty amazing to me! I don’t think I’d dare tackle anything quite so fancy – but they do look delicious!
Thanks Fiona! They are really easier than they look.
Wow, that is absolutely beautiful. I love the intricacy of it too. You really do make some great stuff Evelyn, I always leave feeling inspired to cook. 🙂 Not sure I will be easily able to find one, so good thing you shared the recipe. Thanks lovely.
Thanks Anna! Indeed good luck finding but they are really easier than they look. Thank you for your lovely kind words 🙂
Such intricate delicate looking morsels of tasty right there. I bet I couldn’t stop at just one… 🙂
Thanks Kristy, and no, can’t even stop past three lol.
Wow it looks so tasty! I never had Algerian food before but would love to try out your recipe 🙂
Thanks Yang! hope you try them, they are really easier than they look.
I just hope I can shape mine like this. :)) It looks quite complicated but fun though 😀
Trust me you make one and it will all make sense, they come out beautiful 🙂
So beautiful! I don’t know if I could ever shape as pretty as you have done. I bet they are deliciously crunchy and sweet!
Thanks Bam, really it is not hard you just have to try it once 🙂
Thank you Evelyne for testing Griwech! your shaping was amazing and your tresse perfect!! very glad to know you loved it!
Thank you Kouky for the challenge just love it.
What a cool way to shape the dough! I’d like to try one of these crunchy morsels 🙂
Yes it is cool give it a try, thanks for your comment Viviane
Brilliant work Evelyne! My Mum makes something similar…one of our traditional sweets but you seem to be a pro. I can totally agree with you that they are so addictive.
Thank you Sonali, how cool you know something similar!
Wow, your shaping was amazing!
Thank you so much Tandy
Well I am impressed! What a beautiful little pastry. I’d love a few of these sitting in front of me right now.
Thanks MJ, really easy to make actually
Bonjour and well done my friend! These look delicious Evelyne! I wish I could come through the screen and try one with my coffee! Pinned and shared!
Thank you Joanne, please take one 🙂
I love the shape of these! Not something I’ve ever had, and obviously haven’t made. But I need to! So pretty — thanks.
Hope you make some John, thanks for your comment
These are so pretty! I saw these on Tandy’s blog too and now I really want one (although my chances of buying one are slim). But at least now I can make them! 😀
I hope you give them a try Lorraine!
WHOA! That is some crazy intense pastry design!!! I know I have very little patience and would never be able to make something that awesome!
I am sure you could Gigi, hopefully with a recipe you can eat!
Oh, these are beautiful!! You did an amazing job shaping them and they sound so yummy, too!
Thank you Liz and they are amazing
How cool is that shape! Looks complicated and difficult to did a great job, Evelyne.
Thank you Angie, and really you only have to do it once and you will be surprised how easy the shape is to make.