Happy Mother’s Day

I have 15 min to spare before my parents arrive for dinner to celebrate Mother’s day…and I have 1/2 a recipe to go.

Mother’s day is a day to mark everything Mothers do throughout a day, a week, a month, a year and a lifetime for their children.

Now I am not trying to steal anybody’s thunder…but a daughter’s love is solid and devoted too.

Mom….I accidentally bought the wrong pita flavor for the bouchés with the cocktail. I swear I read multigrain but I saw this morning it was sugar and cinnamon. I know you hate cinnamon. I did not have time to go to the store and get more. So I took a (new in package) tongue brush and brushed of as much as the cinnamon as I could on every single piece for you so you would not have to taste it. Here is the proof:

Of you can expect a following post with the dinner. Actually it will be three posts spread out a bit. I had 3 various cooking challenges to do so That was my dinner menu he he. I cooked my butt off Sunday. So make sure to come back to find out what I made:

– May 12th: mystery dumplings from the Iternational Incident Party
– May 14th: Cooks challenge for the Daring Kitchen
– May 27th: Bakers challenge for the Daring Kitchen