I am a big wine fanatic. OK so I do not have a budget really for great wines but once in a while I splurge. The trouble with this is I hate to splurge blindly. If I am going to spend XXXXX amount of money on a better bottel I want to make sure I will like, no, LOVE it. Which is kind of hard if I never had a certain type of make of wine. We all know the internet is full of advice but then again who can you really trust. After some research and some trial and error I have found my online bible….the Wine Bible that is.

I really like this site because it cover every aspect of wine. You will find articles on the history of wine, how to do a proper wine tasting and learn nutritional facts. Then of course there are two extensive sections one the Wine Bible that cover the types of grape and the world’s wine regions. Did you know Welsh and India are on the list? Now I have to try an Indian wine…I am just to curious. Maybe I will find some on their online shop.

Check out the Wine Bible site and I am sure you will be much happier with your future wine selections.