No I am not going all environmental on you all (not that there is anything wrong with it in good Seinfeld dialect). It was just apparently the inspiration of the day.
At lunch time I headed over to La Maison du Macaron as the owners graciously donated their new hot-off-the-press recipe book as a prize for my Kiva Campain 2009. Well since I was there and I love supporting local foodie companies I bought some macarons…did I really have a choice hi hi.
Following a recommendation by the owners I did a little detour to a very close by store called Folie en Vrac. The focus here is natural foods, bulk and finer products. Since I had no afternoon snack hiding in my desk I got a couple of bulk selections. I just love the large array of nuts and candies offered and I always try to pick something new.
And this is about the moment the inspiration started to form itself when I realized three of my products were green. And I had something at home to add to the plate. So I present to you Green Plate by Evelyne.
Starting from the left and moving in a clockwise direction we have:
- Wasabi Cresents – they may look cute and innocent but they pack a spicy punch. And do not, I repeat, do not rub your eyes by accident shortly after…yes speaking from experience.
- A succulent Pistachio Macaron.
- Pear Chocolate Balls. Can’t see anything in the ingredients mentioning anything chocolate but they are yummy.
- Finally some green licorice. It comes from a Rainbow Twizzlers licorice pack.
OK who is next with a color themed plate…send me your link!