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Hydrantables & Lunch Shelves

Hydrantables & Lunch Shelves

My friend Aurora sent me this link. Wow, only in NYC! See the new invention Hydrantables & Lunch Shelves...a make shift table setting environment for street food eaters! The concept is the brainchild of Pop Up Lunch. It is not a marketed prduct (yet) but a blog by...

Baltimore Care Package

Baltimore Care Package

This is turning into a really really fun idea. I am so happy we gave the Foodie Exhange program life. It is just so munch fun meeting fellow foodies from around the world and doing an exchang. In the group you get to introduce $10 worth of your local specialties...

Avocado Banana Spicy Coulis

Say that 3 times fast! This was a suggestion my friend received by a chef to serve with those delicious molten lava cakes. Well I was over for dinner last night and she served that mini orgasmic cake and we tried the coulis. Sounds odd...but it was good. We did the...

Fight H1N1 with food

Fight H1N1 with food

I know its something I have to take seriously to a certain extent but I feel so saturated with the media and everyone talking about H1N1. I can't take it anymore. And of course we all get this question almost on a daily basis know: Are you going to get the vaccine?...

Canada’s 10 Best New Restaurants

Just over an hour ago Canada's 10 Best New Restaurants were officially announced. This prestigious list is published now annually on Air Canada's enRoute magazine. So exciting. And the great news for Montreal and Quebec? We took 2 spots! At no.6 is Cabane à sucre Au...

More Care Packages – Arizona & Australia

More Care Packages – Arizona & Australia

I just love how this idea has taken a life of its own! The Foodie Exchange Group (all foodies welcome to join) is in full swing and I have just received 2 new foodie car packages this week from fellow blogers. From Felice in the Kitchen, located in Arizona, I...

Macaron Attempted

Macaron Attempted

Yet again, my second Baker's Challenge was a major challenge. I spoke to a few fellow DK members and they all agree the last two months have been tough ones. I am really hoping the next one is easy...ouff. So this month we had to make Macarons. This was kind of funny...

London Bus Café Review

London Bus Café Review

Anybody up for a spot of tea with scones and cakes that won't cost an arm and a leg as it would at the Ritz or the St-James? Yes! Good...then head on over to Westmount to the London Bus Café. This lively and bright simple meal and sandwich place - probably busy at...

Pumpkin Pudding

Pumpkin Pudding

I love cooking with pumpkins and this is the best time of year with Thanksgiving in the air and Halloween. But I did not want to do a I went in search of pudding recipe. Looks so yummy. Will do it Thursday for guests coming for dinner since its an easy quick...

Know Thy Wine

I am a big wine fanatic. OK so I do not have a budget really for great wines but once in a while I splurge. The trouble with this is I hate to splurge blindly. If I am going to spend XXXXX amount of money on a better bottel I want to make sure I will like, no, LOVE...

Herbes Salées

Herbes Salées

Here is a traditional Quebec recipe called  in French Herbes Salées, which translates to Salted Herbs. A lively seasoning for soups --particularly pea soup -- sauces, stews, and omelettes.  This recipe comes from the Metis district. This makes a huge batch so cut back...