I love going to kitchen stores or departments and look at the newest designs, equipments or inventions. Especially now with Christmas coming up I need to window shop for some inspiration to send my list to Santa Claus. I also like shinny things he he. So the tableware section always calls out my name in a melodious song.

Cooking is creative but I think table presentation is an extension of my artist talent’s. A pretty table puts everyone in a happy and receptive mood. Obviously I am not alone since the there is a most amazing multitude of china patterns, sterling silver flatware, glassware, table cloths and table decorations. I particularly like pretty flatware. Many years ago I briefly studied jewelery making so I know what is involved in the making of it. One also buy flatware for years to come so choosing a pattern that represents you is important…well to me.

Once you have settled on your recipes and food needed and prepared your meal…please do not forget table presentation. After all it reflects on your personality!