This recipe is not to be consumed, but it will do wonders for your body. I have been dabbling in essential oil mixtures for a few years now, on and off.  I am not a big believer in the mood changing recipes but most of my ‘first aid’ mixes work. A few months back I made a recipe for muscle stiffness, tendons, sore joints and inflammation. If you already have essential oils at home it is way less expensive than buying some muscle pain creams full of chemical products.

This is week 13 following my wrist fracture/displacement and I am heading to my final orthopedic appointment today for final OKs. At this point my bones have set but I still have a lot of pain from damaged tendons and muscle tissue. And the exercises in physiotherapy to gain my mobility back can leave me quite sore too. I am pretty much off the pain killers except for the occasional difficult days. This massage oil has been essential in my pain management therapy. I often apply a drop or two and gently work it into my sore area every couple of hours. It’s instant magic and I often get enough relief as to avoid taking another pain killer.

You can also use it when you are stuffed up and have chest congestion by rubbing a few drops on your chest like our moms did when we were kids with Vicks. Or put a small dab right under your nostrils. Love multipurpose concoctions!

Ξ Sprains and Strains Massage Oil Ξ

Lavender – 4 drops
Peppermint – 4 drops
Tea Tree – 4 drops
Eucalyptus – 3 drops
1 tbsp sweet almond oil (or your favorite carrier oils like avocado, coconut, sunflower, etc)

Mix well in a small bottle. Shake before each use. It is best to use a dark glass bottle or make sure to keep the bottle out of the sun.