Hello all,
Well been a bit quiet on the food front. I did have an amazing meal at Verses with fellow friends. I blogged recently about the Happening Gourmand…it was a divine experience. I had Deer ribs…amazing. But not cheap normally so go if you can afford it.
Also I am getting ready to plan Cheap Ethnic Eatz 2nd anniverssary dinner. It will be at L’Ambroise, a place we just went to. A 3 course meal followed by a dance party on location. Am planning for 90 people.
So in the mean time I will leave you with a recipe. Its in French but google translate will do the job. Most of my readers are in Quebec lol.
Salade hivernale
Portions : 2
1 gros Céeri-rave
3 cuillères à soupe de yogourt nature
2 cuillère à soupe de jus de citron frais.
1 cuillère à soupe d’huile
un peu d’oignons finement hachés
Sel et poivre au gout
- Râper la betterave, le céleri-rave et le chou.
- Les déposer dans un bol assez grand pour mélanger.
Y ajouter le yogourt, le jus de citron,l’huile de votre choix, les oignons et saler/poivrer.
Hugs and Biscuits