When serving up a delicious meal to your friends and family, you should focus on the taste as well as the presentation of your dish. The way food is prepared and presented to your guests through stylish dinnerware will make all the difference in how each diner takes to your food on the table. While cooking a tasty dish that is filled with delicious flavor is always the priority, it’s also important to focus on the style of dinnerware we use to hold each dish as well as the flatware we decide to use on each table setting.
When we think of flatware, basic table settings such as forks and knives seem to always come to mind first, however this dinnerware category encompasses so much more. Once we’re in need of updating our current flatware collection, there are a few factors that are important to consider that will help determine the best table accessories that fit our style and budget. Just as in cookware sets, stainless steel flatware is the most popular option as it is affordable, durable, and long-lasting. Stainless steel is considered an “everyday†flatware set while other table setting materials such as sterling silver or silver can be more expensive but is wonderful for special occasions and holidays. Silver serving dishes and flatware are dishwasher-safe and should be polished at least once per year to prevent these flatware pieces from tarnishing.
In addition to material, the pattern of your flatware should complement the existing style of your dinnerware and dining room. For a modern space, angular flatware is a great option as it focuses on clean lines and a simple geometric design. According to The Knot, the rounded appearance of plain flatware is the most versatile and popular option as it matches well with a number of different styles of dinnerware. With this style you don’t have to worry about finding a different flatware set for each new serving dish or plate set you bring to the table. If you’re looking to host more formal dinner parties, the banded flatware option is most popular as it looks wonderful alongside banded china and serving dishes.
Hugs and Biscuits