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Sangria !!!

Just a quickie today....inspired after lunch. I went to a lovely place near my work called La Petite Marche on St-Denis. I like going there for lunch, the plates are huge with very decent prices, service is slow though when you only have 1 hour. I do like the relax...

An Oriental Palace at home

Yes been lazy a bit, but I am finally getting around to writing about our big buffet outing. First of all I want to thank everyone for coming...all 41 people. Yep we were a HUGE group. A little hectic but it was so nice to see such a big group. It really put a smile...

Youth foods gone bad

Hello everyone,I was chatting with colleagues over lunch about how some our favorite foods from our youth now SUCKS! A perfect example would be KFC...what happened to them in the last 20 yrs.So after a while a light bulb went on in my head. Yes it happens sometime....

Launch of World Ethnic Food

I know....I am bad.I had to tell you all. I have started a website. World Ethnic FoodOk so its kind of empty now but it is my big project. So I just had to share it. I would love to get contributions if you would like to participate. Perhaps send some favorite ethnic...

Delish Mexico not so spicy…

….and not for the lactose intolerant Well that last part does not apply to me. I would die without dairy products, love them. But last night at our latest Cheap Ethnic Eatz outing cheese was definitely a star item on some people’s menu. We had 3 diners with...


WOW! What a night! On an appropriate Friday the 13 I took my Cheap Ethnic Eatz group on a 3 stop dinner event spotlighting the decadent and disgusting side of a meal: Just Desserts. Our first stop was at Kilo Café where everyone picked the most appetizing cakes or...

July 7th mega Meetup picnic

This past Saturday, 19 groups from Meetup Montreal gathered in Mont-Royal Park for a giant picnic party. Although we were hesitant about the weather, it turned into a cool but rain free day. It was a blast with about 100 attendies. Although we were a large number of...

Fine tea discovery

HAPPY CANADA DAY weekend! A few months back I was looking for an original gift for my out-and-about, hip-and-sophisticated cousin. Well I fell upon a very high-end tea shop in the Mile End.It was an incredible visit where I learned so much about teas and brewing. Word...

Long weekend and Peruvian review

Hello everyone,I hope you all had a great St-Jean-Baptiste weekend with lots of parties and good food. I had a great time, partly partying and partly relaxing too. No great culinary outing though, except for this past Friday.The Cheap Ethnic Eatz group had an outing...

Traditional Peruvian Cuisine

In light of our up-coming Peruvian dinner outing this Friday (for which a few spots remain, click this link) I thought I would write a bit about the traditional cuisine. This blog also brings back fond memories of my trip to this truly amazing country. Go if you have...

BYOW and Montreal

Hello dear foodies, One great peculiarity many restaurateurs offer Montrealers is the BYOW (Apportez votre vin) option, an acronym for "bring your own wine” dating back to the 1950s. Well it’s a great marketing technique I think. The wine list price found on most...