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Holiday Recipe Balsamic Cranberry Gravy

I am stuffed, from the holidays. Of course ate too much. And so much turkey. I usually don't have that much over the holidays but this year, OMG! I even cooked my first turkey ever.....a small one though. I do want to share a recipe. I made a different and delicious...

18+ kitchen stuff

Well Happy New Year everyone!And what better way to start a new blog year with sexual content lol. The insipration for this blog came from an email I got from one of the members of Cheap Eatz (you sick, perverted, twisted friend you!...just like me).Looking to add...

Appliance Shopping

I have several freinds who have recently undergone kitchen remodelings...and let me tell you they got way mire then they bargained for. In time, costs, size of project. of course the results are magnificent but acheived through a lot of pain and sweat.One way to save...

Your dish in perfect harmony with your wine

Delicious meals a plenty are days away and hopefully you have found the perfect wine to match your dish. NO? Where are your priorities then haha.If you need help with the task then check out these websites. One is in French (and is more complete), the other in...

Christmas Dinner: Chez Magnan

So this past Friday was our annual Holiday dinner and also the wrap up for the year 2008. For this year I chose Chez Magnan, our first time more tradional American, if not Quebecois fare. This restaurant has been around for now 76 years and is famous for their roast...

The Ice Cream Ball Maker

Ok, its not in the basic idea behind the blog....but I love posting weird kitchen gadgets when I find one. I am not getting any kick back from it though. its purely for my pleasure. Here is the lastest one:The Ice Cream Ball Maker, another Canadian invention.With the...

Le Local…..Oh my God so good

Chiogga beet salad, lard, cherry tomatoes, truffle oil, goat cheese and panko breaded poached egg Paleron of Eumatimi 4A beef slowly braised, parsnip purée, Savoie cabbage, lard and Du Puy lentils, lapsang souchong veal juice Salade de betteraves chiogga du resto Le...

Love my Wafu

Ok, everyone has their fetish food product. Mine is the Japanese vinaigrette Wafu. I don't care if every other type of salad dressing disappears over night in the world, as long as the Wafu stays.I was perusing the 24 Hour free paper and saw an add for this...

La Maison Rustik

With the weather tending towards the cold, we had the chance to taste alittle Romanian cuisine care of la Maison Rustik.We had our staple dishes from eastern europe with salty sausages andmixed meats. Some of our wiser members sampled romanian appetizers.Myself I...

Heinous Wedding Cakes

I recently got a joke email about trashy, tasteless weddings. Its actually a blog called TackyWeddings. Its my new favorite blog, OMG the horrors there. As I was looking at past posts and came across a series on ugly wedding cakes.Well I just had to post them. Next...

A Quebec Invention: the Ravi

I came across a neat little gadget in a magazine. It cools red wine right as you poor. And it was invented here in Quebec. It is a luxury gadget, about $50 (to cool a glass on wine) but still cool. Read more:Ravi is based on the innovative concept of cooling wine at...